Reflection & Application -Colossians 1:1-29

Introduction: A Week of Deep Truths

We’ve spent the past five days digging into Colossians 1, and if there’s one thing that’s clear, it’s that Christ is everything.

Paul has given us a powerful foundation of truth:

  • Who Jesus is

  • What He has done for us

  • How we should live in response

But we can’t just learn the Word. We need to live it. Today is a time to pause, reflect, and apply.

Let’s go back through what we’ve studied and examine where God is calling us to grow.

Recap: The Key Themes of Colossians 1

📖 Day 1 – Rooted in Christ (Colossians 1:1-8)

✅ Paul opens his letter with gratitude for the Colossians’ faith, love, and hope.
✅ The gospel is alive, bearing fruit and increasing.
✅ Faith in Christ should lead to love for others and a hope that is anchored in eternity.


  • Is your faith visible to others?

  • Is your love for fellow believers active and sacrificial?

  • Is your hope set on heaven, or are you distracted by the temporary?

📖 Day 2 – Praying for Spiritual Growth (Colossians 1:9-14)

✅ Paul’s prayer focuses on wisdom, strength, and endurance.
✅ We are called to walk worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit and growing in knowledge.
✅ We have been rescued from darkness and transferred into Christ’s kingdom.


  • Are you actively growing in spiritual wisdom or just going through the motions?

  • Are you living like someone who has been rescued from darkness?

📖 Day 3 – The Supremacy of Christ (Colossians 1:15-20)

✅ Jesus is the image of God, the Creator, and Sustainer of all things.
✅ Everything was created through Him and for Him.
✅ Jesus is the head of the church and the One who reconciles us to God.


  • Is Christ truly first in your life?

  • Are you living for Him, since all things were made for His glory?

  • Do you trust Him to hold everything together, or are you trying to control things yourself?

📖 Day 4 – Reconciled in Christ (Colossians 1:21-23)

✅ Before Christ, we were alienated and hostile toward God.
✅ Through His death, Jesus has fully reconciled us, making us holy and blameless.
✅ We must remain steadfast in faith, not shifting from the gospel.


  • Do you see yourself as fully reconciled, or do you still carry guilt from past sin?

  • Are you standing firm in the gospel, or have you started to shift?

📖 Day 5 – Paul’s Ministry & Our Mission (Colossians 1:24-29)

✅ Paul rejoices in suffering because it advances the gospel.
✅ His mission is to proclaim Christ and make disciples mature in faith.
✅ He labors and struggles, but not in his own strength—God empowers him.


  • Are you willing to endure hardship for Christ?

  • Are you making Christ known to those around you?

  • Are you striving in your own strength, or are you relying on God’s power?

Personal Reflection: Where Is God Challenging You?

We’ve covered a lot of truth in just one week. Now it’s time to let it sink in.

Spend some time reflecting on these questions:

1️⃣ What passage from this week stood out to you the most? Why?
2️⃣ Which truth challenged you the most in your walk with Christ?
3️⃣ What is one area where you feel God calling you to grow deeper?
4️⃣ Is there a specific action step you can take to apply what you’ve learned?
5️⃣ Who can you share one of these truths with this week?

Final Challenge: Take It from Knowledge to Action

Reading the Word is important, but transformation happens when we apply it.

Choose one truth from this week and commit to putting it into action.
Pray over what you’ve learned—ask God to shape your heart through His Word.
Go deeper in the Word. Don’t stop here. Colossians is just getting started!

What’s Next?

Next, we dive into Colossians 2! Paul is about to warn the church about deception and show us how to stay firmly rooted in Christ.

Let’s keep studying together.


Rooted and Established in Christ – Colossians 2:1-7 Bible Study


Paul’s Ministry & Our Mission – Colossians 1:24-29 Bible Study