When You Feel Invisible to God
Have you ever felt like God doesn’t see you? Like you’re pouring your heart out in prayer, crying until there are no more tears left, but it feels like nothing is happening? I’ve been there, and it’s a tough place to be. You start to wonder, Does He see me? Does He even care?
Can I share something with you? There’s a story in the Bible that always comforts me when I feel this way. It’s about Hagar. You know, the servant of Abraham and Sarah? She found herself in the wilderness, completely abandoned and feeling so invisible. She was running away, feeling unwanted and unloved, but God showed up.
He called her by name, provided for her needs, and revealed Himself as El Roi, or “The God who sees me” (Genesis 16:13). In the middle of her mess, He reminded her that she wasn’t alone, that she wasn’t forgotten. And that same God who saw Hagar sees you too.
He Sees You Even When You Don’t See Him
I know it doesn’t always feel that way. There are days when it feels like God is silent, right? Like He’s far away. But silence doesn’t mean He’s absent.
Job, who went through some of the worst suffering imaginable, said this: “I go forward, but He is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive Him… But He knows the way that I take” (Job 23:8-10). Job couldn’t feel God’s presence, but he still trusted that God knew exactly where he was.
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that feelings aren’t always the full picture. Just because we feel unseen doesn’t mean we are unseen. God’s Word promises that He is always with us (Deuteronomy 31:6), and we can trust that even when our emotions try to tell us otherwise.
God Speaks in the Stillness
You know how Elijah expected God to show up in these huge, dramatic ways, like in the wind or the earthquake or the fire? But God wasn’t in any of those. He was in the still, small whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12).
I think we’re a lot like Elijah sometimes. We want God to make it obvious. We want Him to move mountains, open doors, or give us undeniable signs. And sometimes He does. But more often than not, He speaks quietly like in the Word, in a kind word from a friend, or in a moment of peace in the chaos.
So let me ask you this: Are you looking for God in the big and missing Him in the small? Because He’s there. In every detail, every moment, He’s present.
Trust His Timing, Even When It’s Hard
Let’s be real for a second. Waiting on God is hard. It’s uncomfortable. And in those moments, it’s easy to feel forgotten. But waiting doesn’t mean He’s not working.
Hagar must have felt forgotten in the wilderness, but God was already working behind the scenes to care for her. He pursued her, provided for her, and reminded her of her worth.
Where in your life might God be working behind the scenes right now? I know it’s not easy to trust when you can’t see the whole picture, but faith calls us to believe His promises even in the waiting.
Draw Near to Him
Here’s what I’ve learned in my own seasons of feeling invisible: God hasn’t moved. If I feel distant from Him, it’s usually because I’ve let something get in the way—whether it’s distractions, busyness, or my own doubts.
James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” That’s a promise. But it takes intentionality on our part. We have to make space for Him. This could be time in His Word, honest prayers, or simply moments of quiet to listen.
So let me ask you: Are you making room for Him? Are you trusting His promises, or are your circumstances shaping how you see Him? I’m not asking to make you feel guilty. I’m asking because I’ve been there. And every time I let go of the distractions and draw near to Him, I remember just how close He’s always been.
You Are Seen
I don’t know what you’re carrying today, but I want you to know this: You are not invisible to God. You are fully seen, fully known, and fully loved by Him. The same God who called Hagar by name is calling you by name, reminding you that He’s with you. Even in the silence, even in the waiting.
If you’re struggling to believe that right now, I get it. But can I encourage you to take just one step of faith today? Open your Bible. Pour out your heart to Him in prayer. Look for Him in the small things. He’s there, and He’s not going anywhere.
I’m praying for you!
Lord, I feel unseen and distant from You, but I know Your Word says You are with me. Help me to trust Your presence and believe Your promises, even when I don’t feel them. Open my eyes to see where You’re working in my life. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
You are seen, you are loved, and you are His. Never forget that. 🤍