Create & Commit – Living Out the Truths of Colossians

Moving from Study to Action

We’ve spent nearly the last month studying, reflecting, and growing in our understanding of Colossians. Now, it’s time to create a plan and commit to living out what we’ve learned.

The Christian life isn’t just about knowledge. It’s about application. The truth of God’s Word should shape our daily decisions, attitudes, and actions.

Today is a day to reflect, plan, and commit to walking in the truths of Colossians.

Step 1: Commit to Keeping Christ at the Center

Colossians 1:15-18 teaches that Jesus is supreme over all things. If He is first in your life, it should impact your time, decisions, and priorities.

📖 Reflection Questions:

  • What areas of my life do I need to fully surrender to Christ?

  • How can I intentionally keep Jesus at the center of my day?

  • What distractions tend to pull my focus away from Christ?

  • What is one practical way I can remind myself daily that Christ is my life?

📝 Create a Plan:

  • Choose a daily habit or routine to realign your focus on Christ. (e.g., morning prayer, setting reminders, meditating on a verse)

  • Write down a specific action you’ll take to ensure Christ is your priority.

Step 2: Commit to Spiritual Growth & Rooted Faith

Colossians 2:6-7 calls us to walk in Christ, be rooted in Him, and grow in faith.

📖 Reflection Questions:

  • Am I consistently spending time in God’s Word?

  • What is one thing I can do to strengthen my faith?

  • Am I surrounding myself with people who help me grow spiritually?

  • How can I be more intentional about memorizing Scripture?

📝 Create a Plan:

  • Choose a Bible study plan or reading schedule to stay in the Word.

  • Find an accountability partner or small group to grow with.

  • Write down one way you will strengthen your faith this month.

Step 3: Commit to Putting Off Sin & Putting On Christ

Colossians 3:1-14 challenges us to put to death sinful behaviors and clothe ourselves in Christ-like character.

📖 Reflection Questions:

  • What sinful attitudes, habits, or thoughts do I need to put off?

  • What Christ-like qualities do I need to put on more intentionally?

  • How can I create accountability to fight against sin?

  • In what ways can I practically show kindness, humility, and patience to others?

📝 Create a Plan:

  • Identify one sin you will actively work to remove from your life.

  • Write down one specific Christ-like trait you will intentionally develop.

  • Set a practical strategy to grow in godly character (e.g., memorizing Colossians 3:12-14, journaling prayers for change).

Step 4: Commit to Christ-Centered Relationships

Colossians 3:18-4:1 teaches us that our faith should transform how we treat others in our marriages, families, workplaces, and friendships.

📖 Reflection Questions:

  • How can I love and serve my family better?

  • Do I treat my coworkers or employees with integrity?

  • Am I using my words to build others up or tear them down?

  • What is one relationship where I need to practice forgiveness?

📝 Create a Plan:

  • Choose one relationship to improve and write how you will do it.

  • Set a goal to speak words of encouragement daily.

  • Identify someone you need to forgive or reconcile with, and pray for the opportunity to do so.

Step 5: Commit to Prayer, Wisdom, & Purposeful Living

Colossians 4:2-6 calls us to be steadfast in prayer, wise in our actions, and intentional with our words.

📖 Reflection Questions:

  • How can I become more consistent in prayer?

  • Am I looking for opportunities to share Christ with others?

  • How can I be wise with my time and choices?

  • Do my words reflect grace and wisdom in conversations?

📝 Create a Plan:

  • Set a specific time daily to pray and be intentional about talking to God.

  • Write down one person you will pray for and look for opportunities to share Christ with.

  • Commit to speaking words of grace and wisdom in every interaction.

Final Commitment: Living a Colossians Life

After reflecting and creating a plan, take a moment to write out your commitment statement.

📜 Commitment Statement Example:
"Lord, I commit to keeping You at the center of my life, growing in my faith, putting off sin, and putting on Christ-like character. I will live intentionally in my relationships, in my work, and in my words, making the most of every opportunity for Your glory."

➡️ Write your own commitment statement and pray over it.

Final Thoughts: Keep Growing & Stay Committed

Today was about moving from learning to living.

  • Commit to Christ as your foundation.

  • 📖 Stay in the Word and prayer daily.

  • ❤️ Live out the gospel in your relationships.

  • 🎯 Walk with wisdom and intentionality.

Ask yourself:
✔️ What specific steps will I take this week to apply Colossians?
✔️ How will I stay accountable to living out these truths daily?
✔️ What reminders can I set to keep my focus on Christ?

Let’s stay committed. Let’s keep growing. Let’s live a life hidden in Christ. 🤍


Final Reflection & Application – The Book of Colossians